
Using the Outcomes Star™ tool, outcomes for mentees are recorded and monitored. When analysed, outcomes have shown consistent positive improvements. The five outcome areas (or domains) that show most positive improvement are:

  • Managing Strong Feelings;

  • Drugs and Alcohol;

  • Mental Health and Well-being;

  • A Crime-free Life;

  • Positive Use of Time.

The five outcome areas that show most declines are:

  • Friends and Community;

  • Mental Health and Well-being;

  • Accommodation;

  • Living Skills and Self-care:

  • Relationships and Families.

The lowest improvement was for Parenting and Caring. One cause of this is that where a woman has no parental responsibilities, the reading should always be at the top of the scale, so no change will be recorded at all subsequent reviews, for most mentees. Based on the Outcomes Star™ assessments done for cases referred in this reporting period, the current outcomes are as below. As some of the cases are still “Live”, this chart might change, depending on the subsequent reviews. It illustrates the breakdown across each Outcome Area (domain).

A Mentee’s voice:

"I have learned it is very easy to lose everything very quickly and reflecting on things as well, I appreciate life as it is and just how difficult it can be for some people that are in the criminal justice system."

‘We don’t give up’ – a mentor’s voice:

"Sometimes, it will not be the first time, the second time or sometimes even the third or fourth time engaging with Shine before our ladies can truly start believing in themselves. We can't and never give up on these ladies because things don’t go according to plan first time – eventually, with support, good things will happen. The thing that makes Shine unique is just that: we don't give up; we are always there, willing to start again. That’s because we don't look back, we look forward and each period of engagement is a new opportunity to make a change."